Crosswords puzzles are one of the most popular hobbies in the world and appear in almost every newspaper and in many magazines and websites. This program lets you create your own customized crossword puzzles. Albeit it has a wizard that can help you in the first stages, the program is not very easy to use. You need to read carefully the Help file to get started properly. First, you need to fill the blocks with the puzzle's answers and then, following a very confusing process that I couldn't fully understand, you can enter the clues for answering. The program has other functions as well, like the possibility of adding or deleting boxes and modifying the puzzle's layout, but they are equally arcane. In fact, I used the program for a while and couldn't create a single puzzle.
The program is compatible with the latest Windows versions, including Win7, and the evaluation version has modified printing settings that make the output file unable to be published. Since it is not very easy to use and its cost can be prohibitive, you may want to try another option.